

High quality breast care in a patient centered environement

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Borstzorgklinieken for high quality breast care

We are a clinic specialized in breast care, offering professional care and high-quality diagnostics in a patient-friendly setting. Professionalism, personal guidance, reliability, and short waiting times are our priorities. With a referral from a general practitioner, you are welcome to undergo an ultrasound (with the possibility of a biopsy or drainage if necessary), a mammogram, and/or an MRI.

Zelfcheck borsten

Our patients are our priority

  • Mammography is less painful thanks to the latest technology with reduced pressure.
  • Tomosynthesis/3D Mammography
  • Double evaluation by a radiologist and the use of Artificial Intelligence
  • Immediate results
  • No waiting time

Personal attention

Patients should feel welcome, safe and heard, which is why Borstzorgklinieken dedicates a lot of time and attention to our patients. Throughout the appointment and examination process, we provide you with high quality, step-by-step information. Additionally, we always give you the opportunity to ask questions and give you advise in regards to follow-up.


Do a Self-Check!

We recommend breast imaging in the presence of the following symptoms or changes:

  • Hardening or Lump in the breast
  • Hardening or Lump in the armpit
  • Change in shape/size
  • Dimple or indentation in the breast
  • Redness or warmth of the breast (indicative of inflammation)
  • Orange peel texture on the skin
  • Inverted nipple
  • Bloody nipple discharge
  • Scaling or crusting around the nipple

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Getting Familiar with Your Breasts

What to look for in breast self-examination:

  • Unusual lump in the breast or a bulge on the breast
  • Hardening of the breast
  • Painful or differently textured area in the breast
  • Dimples, indentations, or pits in the skin
  • Changes in the nipple, with symptoms like redness, flaking, or eczema
  • Inverted nipple (unless it has always been this way)
  • A thickened cord leading to the nipple
  • Nipple discharge (bloody, watery, milky, or greenish in color)
  • Warm and red breast
  • Abnormal appearance of the breast skin, resembling an orange peel, with scaling and redness
  • Pain in the breast in a location where the glandular tissue feels different
  • Change in breast size or shape Prominent vein in the breast



Breast Self-Examination

Breasts develop throughout a woman's lifetime. When you're 20, they look different from when you're 50. They also feel different as you age compared to when you're younger. It's important for a woman to become familiar with her breasts so she knows what's normal for her and can detect any changes or abnormalities earlier.

What's Normal? To recognize suspicious changes, it's important to know what's normal for your breasts. It's entirely common for breasts not to be exactly the same size. Some women have one or two inverted nipples from a young age, which is not a cause for concern.

A breast is mostly composed of glandular tissue. When you feel your breasts, they may have a lumpy or bumpy feel beneath the skin. This is the glandular tissue. If you feel a lump in your breast, it may indicate a tumor, but it doesn't always mean this. Often, it's a cyst, a fluid-filled sac, or a fibrous lump.

How Does a Breast Lump Feel? When talking about a breast lump, it refers to a thickening that feels different from what's considered "normal." A lump can feel like a marble, hard and smooth. But it can also be a firmer or slightly tougher area that feels different from the rest of the breast.

It may feel like an elongated swelling or a thickened disc. If you feel a lump or spot that doesn't go away quickly, it's advisable to make an appointment with your doctor. They can refer you for further evaluation.

Changes in Breasts Due to Menstruation, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding Menstruation and pregnancy can affect the appearance and sensitivity of your breasts. Menstruation can cause your breasts to feel different than they did before or after your period. These changes can be benign. If you feel or see anything unusual during your menstrual cycle, monitor it and see if it changes after your period.

The same goes for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breasts change during these periods. It's advisable to pay attention to your breasts and monitor them. Remember that many breast abnormalities or symptoms are not cancer. If changes in the breast persist for an extended period, contact your doctor.

Healthcare services

mammografie onderzoek

Mammography is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses the lowest possible dose of X-rays to visualize the tissue structure of the breast. This method allows for the detection of abnormalities in the fatty, glandular, and connective tissues of the breast, including early-stage breast cancer.

More about mammography


Echo onderzoek

We can also examine and visualize the breast and armpit through ultrasound. After a mammogram, we often use ultrasound to further examine the breast and armpit. 

More about ultrasound

MRI onderzoek borsten

MRI is a technique used to visualize organs and tissues. This examination involves a magnetic field and radio waves. Signals are generated and detected within the body, and a computer translates them into images. 

More about MRI